The impact of AI-generated marketing content on consumer behaviour

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in digital market communication is increasing rapidly, which has a significant impact on consumer behaviour. It is time to take a closer look and elaborate on whether the use of AI to generate marketing content is profitable or whether consumers will be scared away.

In the modern marketing world, artificial intelligence (AI) is playing an increasingly crucial role, especially in the area of content creation. ChatGPT, a chatbot developed by OpenAI, enables the rapid generation of text that in many cases is almost indistinguishable from human text. Although this technology promises huge efficiency gains, it raises questions about source credibility, which can have a significant impact on consumers’ purchasing intentions.

What is source credibility and why is it important? 

Source credibility, a key concept in communication science, refers to the extent to which a source of information is perceived as trustworthy and competent. Previous research shows that the credibility of a source is critical to how messages are received and evaluated by recipients. At a time when AI tools such as ChatGPT are increasingly being used to create marketing content, the question arises as to how such automatically generated texts are perceived and how consumers’ purchasing decisions are influenced.

Results of a recent survey

A study shows that there are significant differences in the perception of source credibility. Marketing texts written by humans are rated as significantly more credible than texts created by ChatGPT. Furthermore, the purchase intention is strengthened by an increased source credibility and is therefore greater if the text was written by a human.

The challenges and opportunities offered by AI-generated content in marketing will need to be carefully considered in the future. It is becoming apparent that the way in which information is presented and its sources revealed can be crucial in influencing consumers’ purchasing decisions. In an increasingly digitalised world, the ability to maintain trust and credibility will become ever more important to the success of marketing strategies.

Anna Jenni

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